The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82326   Message #1508115
Posted By: Bill D
23-Jun-05 - 12:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: Open Letter to Kansas School Board
Subject: RE: BS: Open Letter to Kansas School Board
I lived in Wichita (admittedly not rural) from the 3rd grade until I was 38 years don't see all this conservative, anti-evolution stuff everyday, but BOY! say the wrong thing in the wrong place, or deal with a school board, and it soon becomes apparent what is under the surface. It is perfectly possible to lead a pretty liberal lifestyle there (in Wichita), as long as you are not advertising it..(I could tell stories!)

The thing is, Wichita is sort of an island where you can find people of ALL types...including the most conservative....and THEY have the last word on many matters.

Somehow this anti-evolution thing has taken on a life of its own in Kansas....they have the bit in their teeth, and will not back down.