The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82295   Message #1508213
Posted By: Jerry Rasmussen
23-Jun-05 - 03:20 PM
Thread Name: Songwriter's Songwriters
Subject: RE: Songwriter's Songwriters
Gotcha, WLD:

I've done promotional spots for festivals and concerts on a public service tv station, and they allow you one minute before they cut away. It's barely time to get in one verse and the chorus. There's absolutely no time to introduce the song (unless you want to use some of your precious minute of time.) It's a bizarre experience. Imagine someone being enticed into coming to hear a concert by listening to a one minute sound bite.

You're right about not being able to write some kinds of songs. That's why the "Songs I Wish I'd Written" thread didn't quite get it for me. There are a ton of great songs that I could never write. But then, each of us write songs that no one else could write.

Best to write what you know.
