The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82295   Message #1508378
Posted By: Highlandman
23-Jun-05 - 06:51 PM
Thread Name: Songwriter's Songwriters
Subject: RE: Songwriter's Songwriters
Then again that's not to say we should analyze things to death. I think we've all suffered through that bit enough!
To Jerry's latest post, there are lots of pursuits in life where doing things "for the love of it" has results of more lasting value than doing them for pure professional or theoretical reasons. I have various bits of furniture and handicraft in my house, some produced by professionals and some by amateurs. If the house should catch fire, it's not the professional pieces I'd be likely to drag out first. I think the same holds for music.
PS -- OMG I don't mean to start a PRO vs AM debate now!