The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82295   Message #1508942
Posted By: alanabit
24-Jun-05 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: Songwriter's Songwriters
Subject: RE: Songwriter's Songwriters
I have felt like that at times WLD, but the mood passes. Of course you could argue that "professional" songwriters produce only that which they think can be consumed on a large scale. The hackneyed country stuff, the disco drivel and the chewing gum for the ears of commercial radio can use that stuff of course. It has to be cliched and predictable, so the words are easy to anticipate and they require no effort on the part of the listeners - if they take any notice of the lyrics at all. The occasonal interesting song can slip through, but it is a bit like finding a rose on a dung heap. It is nice when you find one, but you are not really looking in the most likely place. The people that one calls "professionals" in these genres, have more in common with the professionals of the world's oldest trade. They do it for money rather than love.
I don't think many of us here care much about that sort of song. Money is a possible by product of what we do. It is not the end in itself.