The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82359   Message #1509411
Posted By: gnu
25-Jun-05 - 09:50 AM
Thread Name: BS: Nicky Tin Patches:Who's Tried 'em?
Subject: RE: BS: Nicky Tin Patches:Who's Tried 'em?
You keep blowing out your matches with your coughing too, eh? Tim's... nope, not me. Their tea sucks. As for coffee, haven't had a cup for years and years. Asd for Tim's coffee, I always figured all them pigeons in the parking lot were on staff to gather the old wooden stir sticks for making more coffee. As for deep fried balls of dough mixed with, injected with, and covered with every sweet substance known to mankind, putrid!!! Downright UNhealthy!!!

Nosiree. When I light up in the morning and fill my lungs with acrid, toxic smoke and fumes, I prefer to soothe the smoker's polyps in my throat with a beaverage made from boiled leaves and the whitish liquid produced by the mammary glands of a large, smelly, bovine. Far more healthy. Until midday, upon whence I change out the tea for Budweiser (Canadian brewed), from an aluminum can, to flush out the caffeine. Of course, in the morning, the tea flushes out the aluminum, thereby avoiding the onset of, ah, er, Oldtimers disease... or whatever it's called.

Got a light?