The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82392 Message #1509586
Posted By: semi-submersible
25-Jun-05 - 02:04 PM
Thread Name: Origins: What are 'Frogs and Square Heads'?
Subject: RE: Origins: What are 'Frogs and Square Heads'?
Years ago I heard an elder family member refer to Scandinavia as "Squareheddy." When I asked, I was told, "because that's where the Squareheads come from." I didn't know it was also used of Germans. I guess it could be pinned on a large portion of humanity, though.
"Frogs," "frog-eaters," or alliteratively "frog-eating French": the initial "fr" is probably why frogs rather than snails were chosen for this piece of disparagement.