The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16241   Message #150989
Posted By: Bruce O.
17-Dec-99 - 06:12 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Rose and the Lindsey-O
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Rose and the Lindsey-O
In the original J. Deacon issue, 1690's, of the broadside text, "The Duke's Daughter's Cruelty", ZN2495, (26 verses) the interlaced refrain goes:

There as Duke's daughter....
Come bend and bear away the Bows of Yew,
So secretly....
Gentle hearts to me be true.

Child found this late, and it's not in vol. 1 with the other texts of #20, but in the Appendix to vol. 2.