The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82399   Message #1511118
Posted By: Hyla
27-Jun-05 - 03:12 PM
Thread Name: Looking for Farm Songs
Subject: RE: Looking for Farm Songs
Good question Tradsinger, but even traditional songs were once composed by someone. You are right though, I need to add some traditional farm songs to my repertoire and that is exactly why I started this thread. I am looking forward to expanding my awareness of the vast catalog of songs that have been written about farming.

I started my farm song interest years ago, when I started my day job preserving farmland in Lehigh County, Pennsylvania. We seem to be growing more houses these days in our farm fields than corn, soybeans and vegetables. Hence my particular love for John Gorka's "Houses in the Fields."

I wonder if there are any traditional songs addressing the issues of urban sprawl and the loss of farmland?

What part of PA are you visiting Gwilym? Maybe you can come for a visit and teach me some the traditional farm songs you know.

Thanks much for your post.
