The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81228   Message #1512373
Posted By: Mark Dowding
29-Jun-05 - 08:22 AM
Thread Name: Four Fools Festival - don't miss it!
Subject: RE: Four Fools Festival - don't miss it!
The new venue was great. A few teething troubles maybe - the gym was a bit big for an unamplified friday night concert. I know Angie won't put a PA in for this one and if you sit at the back you can't hear too well. The catering was a last minute replacement because the people who had been booked were unable to come as the guy who ran it was in hospital. I understand that next year, the school are providing the kitchens for the festival's use which are behind the main hall so bar, food and sitting area are all together.
The school were very enthusiastic about holding the event and were very helpful in meetings with Ken and Angie. Not sure what the turnout was like - hopefully good enough.
Turn up next year - it's going to be even better.
