The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82504   Message #1512555
Posted By: M.Ted
29-Jun-05 - 12:49 PM
Thread Name: Chord Req: Still Searching - Little Sir Hugh chord
Subject: RE: Chord Req: Still Searching - Little Sir Hugh chord
Don't perform this song without mentioning that it was a popularly song connected to the medieval "Blood Libel" --the idea that Jews ritually murdered christian children and then drained their blood--it and similar stories were used to incite angry mobs to murder jews both in Europe, and, as justification for many of the most horrible atrocities that were committed against Jews during the Crusades.

Here is an article written by Katherine I. Rabinstein that is floating around in various places on the web:

Hugh or Little Hugh of Lincoln (AC)

Died (Friday) August 27, 1255. This Hugh of Lincoln is another of the several boys who were said at various times and places to have been martyred by the Jews, often during the Paschal season. "Little" Hugh's legend is enshrined in Chaucer's Prioress's Tale. Hugh was said to have been lured into the home of a Jew name Koppin (of Joppin), who scourged the little boy, crowned him with thorns, crucified him, and then threw his body into a well. The story continues that when Koppin and other Jews were arrested, Koppin confessed the crime, denounced his co-religionist, and explained that it was the Jewish custom to crucify a Christian child annually.

Some versions of the tale become outrageously gruesome. One reports that the child's nose and upper lip were cut off, some of his upper teeth broken, and after the crucifixion his side was pierced with a sword out of hatred for Christ.

According to the evidence presented, it seems more likely that the eight-year-old fell into a cesspit while chasing a ball and was discovered a month later by Jews gathered for the wedding of the daughter of a chief rabbi. Fearing that they would be unjustly charged, they tried to hide the body. It was found with the stomach ruptured (the gases of corruption may have caused the stomach to burst) and 93 Jews were arrested.

King Henry III conducted the trial concerning Hugh's death, which led to the execution of 19 Jews by hanging at Lincoln. (Another version says that they were dragged to death by horses.) The others were bailed out of prison by Franciscans who interceded for them and paid heavy fines. Miracles were reported when Hugh's body was recovered from the well. It should be noted that there is no evidence of any ritual killing of the type described (Benedictines, Delaney, Husenbeth, Shepperd)

Little Sir Hugh of Lincoln is not to be confused with Hugh of Lincoln, who, in addition to being one of the British Isles more remarkable Saints, was also a protector of the Jews, and intervened in a number of similar situations--unfortunately for the poor folks mentioned above, he died in 1200--

Check here for more on him(and to waste a lot of time)--Index of all the Saints