The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82544   Message #1513229
Posted By: GUEST
30-Jun-05 - 08:37 AM
Thread Name: Radio 4 & Licensing
Subject: RE: Radio 4 & Licensing
"Fergal Sharkey has been employed by the government to investigate way's to further the development of music at roots level. The man is a F"""ing arsehole who is more concerned about how his hair looks than he is about enabling budding young musicians to develop their performance skills. How much is this piece of wank being paid"?

I'n surprised that such an ill-informed, ignorant and completely wrong statement like this is allowed to remain on a public site. You obviously have no idea what Feargal Sharkey has been doing for the last eighteen months, including talking to 100s of young people about the importance of live music, and getting the industry to re-invest in grass roots music.