The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #16241   Message #151343
Posted By: Stewie
18-Dec-99 - 08:05 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: The Rose and the Lindsey-O
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: The Rose and the Lindsey-O
The Gaugers, mentioned by Susanne as the source of the OBD song she posted, also recorded a version of 'The Cruel Brother' on their 1975 'Beware the Aberdonian' record for Topic. However, the refrain they use is that in Child #11C: 'Hech, hey an the lily gey' and 'An the rose is ay the redder aye'. There is a note on the record sleeve by Duncan MacLennan: 'The text here is a collation of various versions in Child (No 11) where the tune is also to be found. I cannot readily see which versions have been collated and the comment about the tune can only make one wonder.