The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82592   Message #1513494
Posted By: GUEST,Clucker
30-Jun-05 - 09:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Chicken on a String?
Subject: BS: Chicken on a String?
.... RSPCA's farmyard response unit have uncovered what they believe to be the first case of "Chicken Stringing" in the UK. Part time farm worker Giles Andrews described to the court how he had fed a string to a chicken, waited for it to pass through its digestive system and then fed that to a subsequent chicken. By the time he was apprehended there were six chickens attached to the length of string. Andrews claimed he was preparing for a historical re-enactment where rival villages would compete for the highest number of chickens on a string. Found guilty of animal cruelty Andrews asked for three cases of inflating a chicken with a bicycle pump to be taken into consideration. Sentencing was deferred pending medical reports.....