The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82592 Message #1513548
Posted By: GUEST,El Gato
01-Jul-05 - 04:15 AM
Thread Name: BS: Chicken on a String?
Subject: RE: BS: Chicken on a String?
Due to supplementing their diet of poor defenceless birds and mammals domestic cats tend to suffer from worms, here is my favourite method of dealing with them. Get a piece of string about 10' long and tie a knot in it every 9", tie one end to a post about 3' off the ground, and tie a sardine on the other end. Feed this sardine to the cat and wait for nature to take its course. When the end of the string appears put on your rubber gloves, and grabbing this end quickly tie it to another post at the same height of 3'. By this time the cat should be clear of the ground and somewhat puzzled. You then grab the cat and run it it up and down the string for about 10 minutes, this should effectively rid your cat of worms! G..