The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82603   Message #1513956
Posted By: Tannywheeler
01-Jul-05 - 03:57 PM
Thread Name: BS: can someone explain
Subject: RE: BS: can someone explain
Dunno. We've given the world Mort Sahl, Dick Gregory, Bob Newhart, Shelley Berman, Lily Tomlin, Lenny Bruce -- does anyone remember when Cosby was doing standup? I enjoyed his Noah's-conversation-with-GOD ("Riiiight. What's a cubit?" "Noah, how long can you tread water?") And there is (or was?) a female comic named Boosler(Elaine?) who seems to have a real gift for female-reality routines that always gets to me. Granted that's not sit-coms, but I think we've demonstrated our ability to "get it" with our enjoyment of That Was The Week That Was(TW3), Laugh-In, Monty Python.    Tw