The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77273   Message #1514005
Posted By: GUEST,Dreamseer
02-Jul-05 - 01:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: I did 5 Tsunami paintings 1 year ago
Subject: RE: BS: I did 5 Tsunami paintings 1 year ago
That is awsome. You painted things that were to come before anyone had knowledge that they were to caome. there is also a tsunami that is about to hit the earth of a proportion that has never been seen before. This tsunami is a spiritual tsunami. and it woill chande the landscape forever just as the asian tsunami changed there landscape forever. The Kingdom of God is here and we shall see it manifest in power,as if it were ACTS book 2, As the tsunami is made manifest and people walk in it. Let thje earthquake and shake and release the tsunami upon our lives.