The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82228   Message #1514157
Posted By: Rapparee
02-Jul-05 - 09:28 AM
Thread Name: BS: Only Librarians Will Care....
Subject: RE: BS: Only Librarians Will Care....
My guess is that the Gartner Group, who will be investigating the products in the last quarter of the year, will recommend that Horizon and Unicorn be combined, with Horizon the base. HIP and iBistro will also be combined, with an iBistro base.

What I'd really like is for them to say, "Borizon and Unicorn both suck. Dump 'em and work on Classic Dynix, which is already a mature product." But they won't.

Way, way, back, Dynix and Notis were both purchased by Ameritech (which was itself bought by SBC). Notis was developing a client-server product called "Horizon," and Dynix was developing Marquis. Ameritech re-branded Marguis as Horizon and dumped the Notis c-s product. Ameritech Library Services (nee Dynix) become epixtech when Ameritech was bought by SBC and ALS was cut loose, and about three years ago epixtech became Dynix again.

Jane whats-her-name, the former head of Notis, took some of the codersx and other employees with her when she left Notis and formed Endeavor, which makes the Voyager product. They were ONLY going to deal with academic libraries, going so far as to rebuffing this poor, benighted public librarian when he only wanted to see the product. I have heard -- HEARD -- that the source code for Endeavor is very much the same as NOTIS, and said NOTIS source code is actually the property of Dynix, via the Ameritech acquisition about ten years ago.