The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82652   Message #1514620
Posted By: Rima
03-Jul-05 - 04:09 PM
Thread Name: Clubs & Pub Sessions: The Musical Mix
Subject: The musical mix
Shouldn't we demand a higher quality of music in our clubs and pubs (particularly where sessions are in public bars and have wider audiences?) and a mix of song and music that has greater audience appeal? I visit many clubs and pub sessions and find that the quality and variety of music presented is often very questionable. It's a difficult one: There is a question of accessibiity for performers (pub sessions where getting a song in edgeways is impossible, and "singers" clubs and sessions where musicians are elbowed out), a question of quality of singing (where, let's be honest, often we accept very poor quality) and a question of the type of music and song (folk clubs that are popular music clubs - pop, country, music hall, bluegrass... and music sessions that are "Irish"...). What does everyone think think?   
Richard Matthewman.