The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82615   Message #1514625
Posted By: gnu
03-Jul-05 - 04:16 PM
Thread Name: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
I watched around thirty aircraft at high altitude going east yesterday around 6PM Mudcat. I don't know what kind they were, but they were large and slow (I estimated 400 knots), didn't make a lot of noise and there were no contrails (spg?). They were flying mostly in threes, in a vee, with a slight difference in altitude. The vees were about ten to twenty miles apart. Some were in pairs, or by themselves. Definitely not commercial aircraft.

At the time, we were cooking hot dogs and burgers over an open fire in front of my camp, watching various birds fighting. Robins with robins. Canada Jays with Blue Jays. Blackbirds with crows. And the squirrels were chasing and sassing each other constantly. Just a short time before, we watched two rabbits "bull fighting" near the fire pit. Food for thought, I thought.

We raised our cans in a toast to those in the planes as they came into view. Of course, no way they could see us with the naked eye. I felt so guilty for what I was thinking... better you than I. And, it made me wonder, what are they thinking? When I started to cry, I blamed it on the smoke from the wet cedar in the fire.