The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82662   Message #1514817
Posted By: chico
03-Jul-05 - 08:49 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Add: Fair Maid of Islington
Subject: RE: Lyr Add: Fair Maid of Islington
Updated version of mine

This is a pritty FANCY if you mind,
he thought to fool her, since she was so kind
But she was crafty, and resolv'd to sit him,
And in the end it prov'd she did out-wit him
She for her Celler made him pay her Rent
As by a Wile, which made him to repent

AIR -- Sellenger's Round

       G                Em          D       7    G
There was a fair maid at Islington as I heard many tell
And she would to fair London go fine apples and pears to sell
          G                D               7            A
And as she pass'd along the street with her basket on her arm
       G       D      Em      Bm         A       7         D
There did she with a vintner meet this fair maid sought no harm

Tomorrow, fair maid, the Wintner falls, what have you got here to sell?
Fine Apples & pears, kind sir, she said, if you please to taste then well
He tasted of this fair maid's ruit and he lik'd it wondrous well
And then he crav'd of this fair maid, now many a penny she'd sell

'Thy beauty doth so please my eye, and dazels so my sight
That now of all my liberty I am deprived quite
And therefore love be kind to me, and let us toy and play
It is but one small courtesie then do not say me nay

If you would lie with me one night you must give me five pound.
A match a match, the vintner said and so let this go round.
When he had lain with her all night her money she did crave.
O no, O no, the vintner said, the devil a penny you'll have.

When he had layn with her all night her money she did crave
O stay, quoth he, the other night and thy money thou shalt have
I cannot stay, nor I will not stay, I needs must now egone
Why then thou maist thy money go look, for money I'll pay thee none

This maid she made no more ado but to a Justice went
And unto him she made her moan, who did her case lament
She said she had a celler let out to a vintner in the Town
And how that he did then agree, five pound to pay her down

But now, quoth she, the case is such, no rent that he will pay
Thereore your worship I beseech to send for him this day
Then streight the Justice for him sent and ask'd the reason why
That he would pay this maid no rent to which he did reply

'Although I hired a ceilar of her and the passion was mine
I ne'er put anything into it but one small pipe of wine
Therefore my bargain it was hard as yon may plainly see
I from my freedom was debar'd, then good sir labour me

This fair maid being ripe of wit, she streight reply'd agen
There was two butts lay at the door why did you not rowl them in
You had your freedom and your will, as is to you well known
Therefore I do desire still for to receive my own

The justice bearing of their case did there give order straight
That he the money should pay down she should no longer wait
Withal he told the winter plain, if he a tennant be,
Ye must expect to pay the same for he could not sit rent-free

But when her money she had got she put it into her purse
And clapt her hand on the celler-door and said it was never the worse
Which caus'd the people all to laugh to see this wintner fire
Ou-witted by a country girl about his pipe of wine