The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81331   Message #1515043
Posted By: Stilly River Sage
04-Jul-05 - 11:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: Gardening: What are you harvesting?
Subject: RE: BS: Gardening: What are you harvesting?
This evening the ex came over for dinner with the kids and me. I don't barbecue the country style pork ribs very often but I usually do something for the fourth of July. So for a couple of days I've been contemplating the menu. Yesterday I was in the garden and found several squash ready to pick, but decided to leave them there for one more day.

Why? Because I had company coming, and it's fun to sometimes send someone else out to have the pleasure of hunting for and returning with the goodies from the garden. I had this task in mind for my son (he's 13) and I sent him out with his dad as company. It's not like they've never done this before, but the garden is pretty much my domain. I have to make myself stop and think about it and share the pleasure. Dylan beamed when he showed me one red tomato and several Italian squash (zuchini). I cut up a couple of squash to saute with olive oil, garlic, and tomato sauce to go with the rest of dinner.

Anyone else have this Easter Bunny instinct, to share the hunt in the garden fun with visitors? (This is also part of the reason I have tomatoes and peppers growing in my front yard. They're a great conversation starter and sometimes to reach down and pick a something you grew and give it to someone is the greatest sociable gift.)