The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #77273   Message #1515495
Posted By: Donuel
05-Jul-05 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: I did 5 Tsunami paintings 1 year ago
Subject: RE: BS: I did 5 Tsunami paintings 1 year ago
Dreamseer. Imagine the waves as water rushed in to fill the cracks between the emerging seperating continents from Pangea.

Imagine the great flood as the melt water of the last ice age broke through creating the badlands in the now western US states.

Imagine when the Mediterranean filled.

People say, 'Water will seek a lower level', when we know it is only gravity at work.

People say 'war will settle a score or level a playing field' when we know it is only greed/self preservation at work.