The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82615   Message #1515496
Posted By: Ebbie
05-Jul-05 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
On Meet the Press last night, Senator Chuck Hagel was one of the men being interviewed. He is vocal and articulate about the mistaken actions that got us into Iraq. (He is currently on the bueh pooh pooh list.)

Quoted remarks: 'Things aren't getting better; they're getting worse. The White House is completely disconnected from reality,' said Hagel, a member of the Foreign Relations Committee. 'It's like they're just making it up as they go along. The reality is that we're losing in Iraq.'

When he was asked by Andrea Mitchell, the moderator, if his public remarks should not be considered giving aid to the enemy, he said that he took seriously his role as a senator and that he would speak truth as he saw it.

Hagel is a Republican.