The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82615   Message #1515497
Posted By: Susu's Hubby
05-Jul-05 - 01:31 PM
Thread Name: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
You know, it's real sad when all you wackos are trying to justify the cut and run attitude by blaming everything on one man that lives @ 1600 Pennsylvania Ave.

Clearly, what DougR and I (as well as a few others) see is a country that is in need of some help and is now asking us to stay there to help. Their former dictatorial leader is in jail, schools are being re-opened, basic utilities are being restored, satellite TV is growing strong where it used to be outlawed. Above all, Iraqis now have the freedom to go where they couldn't and do what they were never allowed to do. This is freedom, people. We have it. Why shouldn't they? By your continued crying, you're really only saying one of two things.

1. We're not happy because of the fact that GWB is the one leading the way of freedom that is being offered to a once-suppressed people and providing the freedom that is everybody's human right.

- or -

2. We're only saying that we want eqality for all because it sounds good. Actually, we really mean that only those that think "progressives" can do it better should be the only ones that really deserve it.

So...which is it? Are you jealous or just out and out racist?
