The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82615   Message #1515689
Posted By: Bobert
05-Jul-05 - 10:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Well, nice sidestep..... What I got out of yer post is that folks who disaggree with you are either "jealous" (which I am not) ot racist (which I am not)....

Maybe you need to rewritwe what you had on yer mind at the time of 1:31 post... If you didn't mean what you said, fine. I can live with that but accsuinf folks who don't agree with you as being eithe "jealous" or "racist" is gonna get yer lights punched out....

And I mean this...

Maybe you need to think about how you go about strutin' yer version of "either with us or against us" 'cause the way you put it up there was down right fu*ked up...

So you either gonna have to explain to folks here that you mghta messed up a little with that racist stuff or yer gonna have to deal wioth me... And I'll hound you withotu mercy 'cause that was wrong on yer part...

Yeah, I'm a Christain, like Jesus, I gotta a temper... You gonna stick with callion' folks racists because they don't agree with you or yer hero then it gonna be like the money changers in the temple...


Ain't ''bout readin', Hubby....

You messed up, now time to fess up...
