The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82615   Message #1515707
Posted By: Alba
05-Jul-05 - 10:55 PM
Thread Name: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Hey Bobert, your Education if top notch.

You are not now, never have been and never will be a Racist.

Like I said on another thread...I now filter out the pro Bushites rants, if I NEED to know what they are saying...I know where to get that info.....cause someone else said it for them already so they just cut and paste.

As for Education...well, lol, that is definetly what conservatribes need. Guess they were some of the Children left behind.
Either that or they need to pull their heads our of their Butts and have a look at the REAL world.
No sense in talking sense Bobert cause all youlle get back is nonsense from the Bush worshippers. They do really beilieve what they post here..They HAVE to....that's the saddest part of it all. They really do HAVE to believe the garbage they come in here with because for them to think otherwise would be so disturbing, embarrasing and shameful that it is best for them to just to blank out the Facts.

Yeah.. Iraq is Free...the insurgency is in it's last throes. ok ok ok..
fine...whatever they say. sheeesh

By the way Bobert you are owed more than an apology not just for the Racist remarks. You are also owed one for the insults directed at your intelligence, which as most of us know, is way above any Bushite that posts on the Mudcat.
That kind of low tactic is an example of one finger pointing at you Bobert and three fingers pointing right back at the person flinging the insults around.

I have always been more of a Non Fiction reader rather than a Fiction myself...that why I find Mudcat psuedo Conservatribe posts so uninformative and inaccurate.