The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82615   Message #1516005
Posted By: freda underhill
06-Jul-05 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
have people forgotten already why GB invaded?

Top 10 reasons that George W. Bush invaded Iraq.

10 - Because Saddam was personally responsible for 9/11; I mean because the US was under imminent threat of attack from Iraq; I mean, Saddam had weapons of mass distraction, I mean destruction programs, that he was selling to the Al-Qaeda and Taliban. Oh, wait a minute, now it's coming to me. Because we wanted to liberate the Iraqi people against a ruthless and mean dictator. Yeah, that's it. Like we said all along, Bush just wanted to liberate the Iraqi people.

9 - What is our oil doing under their sand?

8 - Did we mention 9/11 yet? Not that there is any evidence connecting Saddam to 9/11 but we'll just keep mentioning it (but we won't talk about the oil).

7 - Just because you are a chicken hawk, doesn't mean you can't give out a serving of whoop ass (as long as you get others to do it for you).

6 - Bush thought, "What is the stupidest thing I can do to get the whole world's opinion against the United States?"

5 - His advisors thought it was a good way to get his mind off the red button.

4 - Because he heard that Osama Bin Laden was in Pakistan.

3 - It had absolutely nothing to do with oil. Repeat, absolutely nothing to do with oil.

2 - North Korea has the nuclear bomb and everybody knew that Iraq didn't.

And the #1 reason Bush Jr. invaded Iraq - Cheney made him do it.