The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82615   Message #1516681
Posted By: dianavan
07-Jul-05 - 03:08 AM
Thread Name: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
From Sgrena's newspaper in Italy,

"The Haliburton Reconstruction hearings not only prove that the Bush administration was going to attack Iraq without cause but also show that Cheney and Bush had already set up KBR, a company that Cheney still has a salary contract with until 2007 and stock options until 2009 (All a matter of public record) to attend closed door meetings over the objections of Mrs. Greenhouse who at the time was the Chief Contracting Officer of The Army Corps. of Engineers.

In those meetings specific budget and logistics information that would clearly give Haliburton KBR an inside track to billions of dollars worth of contracts was illegally attended by managers of KBR and representatives working under Cheney. The fact that Haliburton KBR did the front end study for the Pentagon should have excluded them from obtaining any contracts because of obvious conflicts of interests.

Mrs. Greenhouse states, "The contracts awarded to Haliburton KBR represents the most blatant and improper contract abuse I've ever seen in the course of my professional career." Rory Mayberry a former KBR food production manager testify that KBR has overcharged the tax payers of this country billions of dollars. They have charged for meals not prepared,served spoiled , outdated meals and thrown away food so that the could pad the bill.

Lloyd Owen International representatives testified that KBR charges the American people $1.30 per gallon of gas transported in Iraq from Kuwait. Llloyd Owen International which does the identical work in Iraq charges $.18 per gallon. They also testified that KBR has not delivered any fuel to rebuild Iraqs infrastucture or delivered any parts other than scrap to rebuild Iraqs oil refineries even though they were paid billions to do so.

The U.S. fighting forces families had to buy them Kevlar vests and they had to scrounge in junk yards to shore up their humvees now we find out they were served spoiled food and food that had bullets and shrapnel removed from blown up trucks. They knew they would attack Iraq and they knew they would profit.

Its not all about oil. Its about making money by bringing about the misery of war and bilking the national coffers while pretending to reconstruct. Its about buying and selling weapons and all the equipment necessary to run a war."

Its all about GREED.

...and today, "WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The U.S. military has signed on Halliburton (HAL.N: Quote, Profile, Research) to do nearly $5 billion in new work in Iraq under a giant logistics contract that has so far earned the Texas-based firm $9.1 billion, the Army said on Wednesday.

You are absolutely right, Carol - Cheney, Bush and their war profiteers are making millions.

...and they have all those people believing it has something to do with Christianity and Democracy and the privilege to drive a SUV.