The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82615   Message #1516823
Posted By: Bobert
07-Jul-05 - 07:51 AM
Thread Name: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Well, first of all, a big thankee fir the link demonstartin' clearly the illogic of Hubby's feeble attempt's to cover his butt, which in MO, is no longer coverable...

But on a more seriouis side, Larry K makes some very valid points about oil and consumption which, again in MO, have been absolutely neglected by oilman Bush and oilman Cheney and that has to do with a real "Energy Policy" toher than "get mo oil!!!"....????

Yeah, heck if I know why we're in Iraq but none of the given reason add up so until I hear something plausable I'll just suspect that oil has a lot to do with it...

But back to the Bush/Cheney Energy Policy... What is it??? Can anyone tell me one feature of the policy??? Just one... No, don't go Googlin' then cut and paste... Can anyone tell me, off the top of their head, one feature of the Bush/Cheney so-called energy policy???

The only thing I can remember about it is that at the time it, what=ever-it-is, was developed it was done in secret and the accounts that were made public said that a number (I believe it was like 52) oilmen were involved and no one else??? Of course, we may never know because Bush and Cheney don't think its any of our danged business and are using Executive Priveledge (maybe Executive Order) to prevent the American people from knowing just how the country, at a time of dwindlin' oil reserves, has a policy that is geared toward maximum consumption rather than conservation... Well, Carpe Diem is fine but thwe hangovers ain't an' we're gonna pay fir this little binge... Like look in any car magazine and you'll see what I mean... There are more 500 horsepower cars on the market now than during the heighth of the muscle cars days... And they ain't 500 horsepower solar cars either.... No, they are gas guzzlers...

Anmd look at the oilmen Bush/Cheney regime is about to do to the railroads... Cut, cut, cut...???? Like what's this about... A real energy policy would be pumping resources into rail transporation, or monorails, 'er, 'er...

Historians will not be kind to these crooks and one day even Hubby will have to admit that the party wasn't worth it...

But fir today? Eat, drink and be merry...
