The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82615   Message #1516934
Posted By: Susu's Hubby
07-Jul-05 - 09:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)

Let's see.

Four bombs in London. Possibly hundreds killed.

Who takes responsibility? An offshoot of Al Qaida

Why did they do it? British cooperation in Iraq and Afghanistan.

What type of attack? Disruptive

Numerous bombs in Madrid. Many killed and injured.

Who took responsibility? Again, Al Qaida

Why did they do it? Spain's involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan

What type of attack? Disruptive

Threats are now being made towards Denmark and Italy for their continued cooperation in operations in Iraq and Afghanistan.

Neither one of these countries (Iraq or Afghanistan)are being ruled by anybody in Al Qaida.

But yet, all we hear is how we need to pull our troops out.

Al Qaida is a thug organization with no power other than the terror that they spread by cowardly attacks. We went to them in Afghanistan and they came to us in Iraq. But yet, we still need to bring our troops home?

You people are shameless.

Not only do you not care about the people that we are fighting for but it seems as if you care more about the people that we are fighting against.

It doesn't matter to me how much credibility that you think I have.
I could care less about what is thought about me.
But if what I am saying is making a difference to at least one of you, then my point has been made. Sadly, in a place such as this, some people are afraid to say what they really feel because of the lashing that they are sure to recieve for not falling into the "status quo".

It's really sad.
