The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82753   Message #1517023
Posted By: Lanfranc
07-Jul-05 - 10:41 AM
Thread Name: Explosions in London
Subject: RE: Explosions in London
Fortunately I'm at home in Harlow, but I've spent most of the past couple of hours receiving calls and emails chaecking whether I was OK and passing on info via SMS to friends who can't access the internet. My London office is about 200 metres from Aldgate, and, if my colleague there hadn't decided to get to work early for no particular reason, on his normal schedule he'd have been in or near Aldgate at the crucial time.

Transport for London's website hasn't been updated since 14:25, and most people seem most concerned as to how they are going to get home, about which there is little firm information.
