The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82768   Message #1517196
Posted By: Bee-dubya-ell
07-Jul-05 - 01:56 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hurricane season ~ it's ON!!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane season ~ it's ON!!!!!
Early predictions put the bullseye for Dennis squarely on Pensacola. That's a 45 minute drive from where I live. Looks like it'll be Ivan II. We're getting an early start battening down. Plans are to wait for it to get about 24 hours away and slip over toward Tallahassee to our friend John's place very early in the morning when the highways won't yet be at a slow crawl. That's if it stays on its current course. If it goes either a bit east or a good bit west we'll stay at a local friend's place. Either way, we're not staying at home. We have a couple of trees that Ivan partially uprooted that will probably come the rest of the way down. I don't want to be in the house if they fall on it.

Let's see now... What's the drill? Secure blowables, guitars in van, computer in pickup truck, board up windows, move truck up the property to where no trees will fall on it, haul ass. I think that's got it.