The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82753   Message #1517221
Posted By: Phot
07-Jul-05 - 02:24 PM
Thread Name: Explosions in London
Subject: RE: Explosions in London
I got into London at nine this morning to do some stuff at MOD main building, and wondered why everyone was clustered around one of the TV's, I only found out on the train back down to Portsmouth at 11, it was a bit weird being on a ten coach train, with only 12 other travellers. We got as far as Fratton, (5 miles from Portsmouth) only to be told that there was a bomb scare at Portsmouth harbour station, and the area had been evacuated! Finally got to the dockyard an hour later. Most of the buses in Portsmouth had been taken off the road too.

Home all safe now though. Thanks for all your thoughts, but mine are with those who were hurt, or worse, by todays senseless acts of cowardace.
