The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82719   Message #1517269
Posted By: Abby Sale
07-Jul-05 - 03:36 PM
Thread Name: happy? - July 6 ('HaTikvah')
Subject: RE: happy? - July 6
And, true or not, it's been suggested that women being equalized had a lot to do with changes.

Reminds me of the dreidle (that top thing played by children at Chanukah). When I was about 8 (? that would be just at Independence) the given meaning of the four Hebrew letters on it changed from "A Great Miracle Happened There" to "A Great Miracle Happened Here." This greatly puzzled me as all my life (!!!) it had been one way and now the adults seemed to be getting it wrong. How can folk-formulas change? It bothered me enough that I remembered it at some level but never asked anyone.

Sam Hinton - lovely man that he is - casually mentioned it to me 50 years later. And that is was generally changed to acknowledge the presence in Israel - "here." The penny dropped suddenly how obvious that was but me at 8 couldn't figure it out. Some (most?) outside Israel still say it the old way. You don't want to go rushing these changes, you know.