The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82615   Message #1517530
Posted By: Bobert
07-Jul-05 - 07:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Well, Chuckie, nice to see you here... Too bad you have shacked up wityh the likes of Hubby who has noe problem trying to pin such labels as "racist" or "terrorist sympathizer" on anyone who does not agree with him...

I thought you were a little more tolerant than that and am very disappointed... It'sd one thing to make yer case but quite another5 to go branding folks as racists if they don't agree with you...

You obviously didn't read this entire thread....

And, YES, Hubby owes a lot of folks here a BIG APOLOGY for isinuating that folks who are question the Bush administartions motives for attacking Iraq are "racist" (or jealous, like ahahahah... 'cept it ain't funny...)

You picked the wrong guy to allie yourself with... Go read some opf Doug R's posts.... He, like you, is a Bush supporter but he is not a sociopath...

Like I siad, my friend, you picked the wrongest of the wrong to cuddle up to...

Trust me... I've been 'round this joint a long time and Hubby is bad news fir you'....
