The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82615   Message #1517558
Posted By: Bobert
07-Jul-05 - 08:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
I will, at least fir now, say that I know Chuckie personally and, like I said, I don't think he really read the thread in its entirity, or the Chuckie I know wouldn't have been so quick to come to Hubby's defense.... In real like he a lot closer to DougR than to Hubby...

I mean, ahhhh, the Chuckie I know would resort to such juvinilistic debating tactics as the Hubster is well know for which usually insinuate labels on folks with whom do not agree with him or his hero, Bush...

But, hey, I might be wrong...

But I don't think so.... Like how can someone like Chuckie be so into the blues, which is black folk music, one one hand and be willing to play the "race card" with somweone with whom he does not agree....

Seems kinda like, ahhhh, hey, what's this all about???

Ahhhhhh, like I said, Bush ordered up a war that is being disporportionatly fought by folks of color against other folks of color... And dispute there???

Now just how do I become a "racist" for questioning the reasoning/ rationale for starting the war in first place...

Maybe, Chuckie, you like to weigh in on how this makes me a "racist"???

'Or maybe why you think it's perfectly okay fir Hubby to insinuate that I am a "racist" fir holding these beliefs???

Yeah, I am awaitin' yer answer to this one...

And don't side-step the issue like Hubby has tried to do... This ain't a rocket science question here...

What exactly makes me a "racist"????
