The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82753   Message #1517868
Posted By: Tracey Dragonsfriend
08-Jul-05 - 07:22 AM
Thread Name: Explosions in London
Subject: RE: Explosions in London
I'm alive!

I work in Aldgate East, just a few buildings from the tube station.
(If you saw the news coverage of Aldgate East tube, you saw our
building) I came through about an hour before all the explosions, but
some of my colleagues had closer calls - one on the tube before the
one that exploded, and several on the ones after, that never got in
to work. But we had nobody injured or lost, though lots of people
called to see if we were all OK.
We were blockaded into the office most of the day, as we were so
close to the station, and because there were suspect vehicles in the
streets at the front & back of us. Today there are rail services
running, and a reduced Tube service, but much of the streets are
cordoned off.
London was very strange yesterday - eerily quiet, with no traffic,
just sirens and helicopers, and lots of people wandering about,
shepherded by yellow-jacketed police and a few armed soldiers here &
there. Spooky. But it's not the first time we've been bombed, and it
doubtless won't be the last - although much of the City seems to be
taking the day off for a long weekend, there was & is no panic, and
people are just getting on with it.

I expect most things will be back to normal by Monday - just in time
for the start of the chaos that preparing for the blasted Olympics
will cause! :)