The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82615   Message #1517925
Posted By: Bobert
08-Jul-05 - 08:38 AM
Thread Name: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Subject: RE: BS: In Its Last Throes (Political)
Well, well, well...

Folks, I'd like you to meet the rational and sober Chuckie... He's real lovable when he's like that but, ummmmm, the boy has been knowed to sit and watch full beer cans magicly empty themselves right betorwe his very own eyes... Hwe's not too sure how this happens but believe you me, I've witnessed it an it's purdy amazing... Well, after this little trick has been performed for a couple of hours Chuckie finds himself exhausted and in this state of exhaustion his typin', spellin' and intellectualizin' skills go way down.... Then he goes to sleep with his little sleep machine that plugs into the wall and I don't know if it's the machine, the sleep or a combination of the two and, waalaa, he awakens with a new and improved outlook on life....

Good to see you here, Chuckie... I'm sure youi can handle yerself quite nicely if you'll either confine yer postin' to sunshine hours or you spend a littlwe time with my buddy, DougR, who like you is a knothead but a very respectfull knothead and keep the heck away from Hubby, who's just a knothead (sans the respectfull)...

Yer Bud,
