The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82768   Message #1518416
Posted By: Bill D
08-Jul-05 - 06:47 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hurricane season ~ it's ON!!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane season ~ it's ON!!!!!
bobert...Gopher wood is what Noah is supposed to have built the Ark from! Guess you don't need it...yet..*grin*. (I'll be interested to hear what you DO have, of course...Persimmon is high on the list)

PoppaGator...I do know about "below sea level"! I might still be in New Orleans if we had lived one block 'higher' in 1947, but when the Hurricane blew water over the seawall and put 2ft. of water IN the house (Metarie), my mother refused to look for another, so my father took a job in Kansas..right near the tornados!

Carol, Bee-dubya-ell, harpgirl....and any others...we'll be thinking dry thoughts at you the next few days....take care, and be safe.