The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82768   Message #1518478
Posted By: PoppaGator
08-Jul-05 - 07:37 PM
Thread Name: BS: Hurricane season ~ it's ON!!!!!
Subject: RE: BS: Hurricane season ~ it's ON!!!!!
Dang, Bruce, buy yourself a bunch of marked-down filets soon as you can, stick 'em in your freezer, and don't open the door until the storm has passed. Even if you do go without power for a couple of days, they'll be OK as long as they get well frozen before the lights go out. And since landfall is still 48 hours away, close as we can tell, they should have plenty of time to get nice and cold.

That's what I'd do, anyway.

Who knows, you might get lucky and see the storm hit west of Escambia Bay, leaving you in the clear (or at least only moderately inconvenienced).