The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82824   Message #1518910
Posted By: LilyFestre
09-Jul-05 - 10:32 AM
Thread Name: BS: Departed Pets
Subject: RE: BS: Departed Pets
Sir Homer Augustus was born on July 13, 1992; the same day that we were married. We knew that the little black ball of a wagging tail and floppy tongue was meant to be part of our family.

While we have had (and still have) many dogs over the years, and I love them all, Homer held an extra special place in my heart. You see, a few years back, I was out walking Homer on an early summer evening. It was just beginning to be dark and out of nowhere came a Rottweiler. That dog first went after Homer and then after me...Homer saved me that evening, if not from losing my life, then at the very least, from sustaining some very serious injuries. Homer and I were both incredibly lucky on that day. I ended up with a pretty nasty bite on the back of my right hand and later I found no bites on Homer. He was, however, not the same after that. Homer became incredibly protective of me, not allowing anyone near me other than my husband. Homer was my protector and I never, ever worried when I was alone.

Weighing in at around 95 pounds, Homer was no light weight for a Black Lab. He thought he was a lap dog and would often cuddle with me on cold winter evenings...that big old head resting on my shoulder. We bought extra wide chairs so we could accomodate the dogs without being buried beneath them.

About a year ago, we noticed that Homer had lost his hearing. He no longer met me at the door as he always had. I could come into the house, unload groceries, walk right past him and he didn't move. Only when I stopped to pet him or stomped on the floor, did he wake up. Once awake, he responded to hand singles for come, sit, and speak. Then, 2 months ago, he started losing weight rapidly and slowed down tremendously. His spine and ribs were showing and what he did eat, he couldn't keep down. He showed no sign of being in pain and still would wag his tail and readily share his love with us and the other animals.

Early in the morning on July 1, 2005, around 2:00am I went to wake my husband up who was sleeping in his chair so he would come to bed. Homer was laying at his feet and he was gone.

We buried Homer in the morning with his two favorite pals, Abu and Amos, nearby. I still wake up in the night and expect to see him waiting for me at the foot of the stairs, or to hear his tail start thumping when his papa gets home from work. Sometimes I mistake the movements of another dog to be those of Homer.

I miss him terribly.



We buried him beside the forsythia bush on a sticky July morn
His body in the shape of motion
His friends had come to say goodbye
Yet sat at a distance

He used to follow me everywhere, even in circles
Taught to speak on a lazy afternoon
Sitting together on the couch
Both of us laughing

He devoured a 5 pound block of cheese at all once
The hors d'oeuvres for the Christmas party
Disappeared with his passing
Innocent eyes denying

Always laying on the blue braided rug in front of the sink
While I tried to cook
Both of us waiting
For his papa

I'll forever remember his happy tail and spotted tongue
His love of "Bird"
And his love for us.
My Homer