The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82824   Message #1518948
Posted By: Mooh
09-Jul-05 - 11:58 AM
Thread Name: BS: Departed Pets
Subject: RE: BS: Departed Pets
Rosie The Wonder Dog loves me so unconditionally it's frightening. She's at my feet right now, looking out the back door at her beloved back yard, but if I get up to do something else, she'll be around my feet, afraid to miss anything I do. She'll get excired when somebody visits, but otherwise she calmly looks over me, as I do her. What I'll ever do when she's gone I don't know, but in the meantime, she makes sure I'm never lonely. She's been a great comfort when human family members have died, reading our grief perfectly.

Freda, you have my sympathy. I wish Rosie was with you to help give you comfort.

Our hopes and prayers.

Peace, Mooh.