The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82825   Message #1519057
Posted By: Bobert
09-Jul-05 - 02:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: KKK Alive and Well in Tenn.....???
Subject: RE: BS: KKK Alive and Well in Tenn.....
I stand corrected, MiziAzizi... We don't *know* that racism had anything to do with the burning of these two black churches...

I spoke assumptively here, and apologize to all...

With that said, I should have put a question mark after the title of the thread given the KKK's history of intimidating black folks...

"KKK Alive and Well in Tenn???...."

Havin' lived most of my llfe in the South I know there is a segment of white folks who are about as hatefull, igorant and backward as anyone's wildest imagination... I lived with them. I've heard them talk. And they are folks who see themselves as victims and looking to blame someone else...

I'll leave it at that fir now...
