The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82753   Message #1519177
Posted By: CarolC
09-Jul-05 - 06:10 PM
Thread Name: Explosions in London
Subject: RE: Explosions in London
The US may not have funded him, but we did train him. Along with other people we used in Afghanistan as proxy fighters. They learned a lot of their tactics from the US. In that sense we did create him.

And you're right... the Soviet Union (which no longer exists, as we all know) was also responsible for what happened in Afghanistan. But the US (as the "winner" of the cold war), had an opportunity to help the people of Afghanistan when we were finished using the Mujahideen as our proxy fighters, and we did not. The Taliban filled a void that the US could have helped to fill in a way that would have been much better for Afghanistan and the world, but chose not to. The Soviet Union no longer exists, but we are still here, reaping what we have sown.