The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82803   Message #1519492
Posted By: *daylia*
10-Jul-05 - 09:47 AM
Thread Name: BS: On Being Stupid and Making Things Right
Subject: RE: BS: On Being Stupid and Making Things Right
Y'know, as a Catter this is the second time I've come across cultural (hmmm that came out 'vultural' at first - interesting!) differences in how people typically react to a Bible verse. Here in Canada, no one I know feels threatened or offended or angered by a Bible quote - even if they are pagan or Buddhist or atheist or whatever. THe Bible is regarded like any other religious text - you're free to take it or leave it however you like but whatever you do it's no threat to me, so to speak.

THings are WAY different in the States, I've discovered. If I'd remembered that I wouldn't have bothered digging out the ole Bible and finding that verse, least of all posting it here! I hadn't read every post on this thread first either - I usually just skip over any insults or fighting. Anyway, I just wanted to make it clear that I was NOT trying to offend anyone - I honestly thought y'all couldn't find the passage and I was trying to be helpful.

JUst goes to show that when it appears someone is trying to flame or insult or preach at you here, it's best to think twice before you retaliate. The problem might be just your perception and NOT their intention ... just those 'vultural' differences again!