The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82869   Message #1520134
Posted By: GUEST
11-Jul-05 - 02:26 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Bonnie Johnnie Lowrie
Subject: Lyr Req: Bonnie Johnnie Lowrie

I've been looking for the words to "Bonnie Johnnie Lowrie," which I found most of in Ford's "Vagabond Songs & Ballads." But I only have a xerox of the pages, and the last verses seemed to be missing.

On the internet I found some other verses, including the following:

A fig, I say, for jacking grown,
Or priest or elder in the toun
I'll tak' the warld, rough and roun'
Wi' bonnie Johnnie Lowrie

Does anyone know what the phrase "jacking grown" refers to, or is it perhaps a corruption of the original words? If anyone has a copy of "Vagagonds" and can check, I'd be very grateful!
