The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82879   Message #1520440
Posted By: Bobert
11-Jul-05 - 09:20 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Subject: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Well, well, well...

After months and months of Karl Rove and his attorney workin' on getting the story straight according to today's Washington Post article entitled "Rove Told Reporter About Plame Buit Didn't Name Her, Attorney Says", ahhhhh, Karl Rove told Matthew Cooper of Time magazine about Plame but' Didn't name her??????


Like how does one actually go about talkin' with someone without namin' them???

If this is the best that Karl "Fat Assed Liar" Rove and his attorney, Robert Luskin can come up with after months of plannin' Rove's defense then I'm real disappopinted in how my tax dollars are being spent...

If I'm gonna be lied to, I DEMAND MORE BELIEVABLE LIES, gol dangit....

I mean, hey, this batch of croopks have always been able to come up with top shelf lies and no this????

Very disappointin', indeed....
