The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82879   Message #1520899
Posted By: Frankham
12-Jul-05 - 09:26 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Karl Rove is worse than a liar. He has a criminal mind. He deliberately outed Valerie Plame to push his power and to punish Wilson for blowing the whistle on Bush's African Uranium scam . Rove is the Republican "Godfather".

Bush will not fire Rove though. Rove has the goods on Bush (like J. Edgar on his "friends") and if Rove decides he can open the Pandora's Box on Bush's former bouts with alcohol and narcotics, and affairs. Bush's frat boy past will be opened up and Rove will cut the strings of his puppet. Bush will make Clinton look like a choirboy.
