The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82879   Message #1521480
Posted By: Bobert
13-Jul-05 - 09:36 PM
Thread Name: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
Subject: RE: BS: Is Karl Rove a Big Fat Liar???
I saw it, Bill... What a hoot this is becomin'... I predicted right here in Mudville almost 2 years ago that Rove had done this but never in my wildest imagination would I ever have thought that the Bushites wouldn't be able to handle the scandal.... They've been so good at keeping the rest of the crap unner the rug...

But, hey, even the Republican owned media had to admit tonight on MSNBC, who fired Phil Donohue fir not toein' the line in the Bush un up to war in Iraq, that Bush ain't too popular with the American people... One of the questions related to the truth factor and now more Americans don't belive Bush than do... This does not bode well fir either the Bushites or America as he tries to dismantle as much of the New Deal that he can while he can....

But I'm gonna go on record of predictin' another 9-11 event in just over a year becuase the Repubs will be in desperate need for one and if they are goina stand any chance of holding the White House, after this dismal 8 years of theivery and lies, they can't do it without another 9/11... Keep in mind that the week before 9/11 Bush had the lowest approval rating of any president since such polls have been taken....

So that's my prediction... Sad... but I'm sticken by it...
