The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #82933   Message #1521680
Posted By: GUEST,Davetnova
14-Jul-05 - 06:56 AM
Thread Name: BS: Estate Scum - Tolerate?
Subject: RE: BS: Estate Scum - Tolerate?
I would be offended if I thought you had any sense or understanding. I was born in a slum. When I moved, as a child to an estate we thought it was the greatest thing in the world. Ok, times have changed, but I still live on an estate albeit in a different town. The vast majority are honest hardworking people, as am I. The peercentage who take hard drugs and throw needles about is very small and a fair number of the drug takers are middle class dropouts who seem to think, like you, that it doesn't matter what they do when they come down here to buy their drugs as we're only schemies and our surroundings don't matter. They can't take their needles hame in case Mummy finds them. Since you don't like the people take your prejudices and hateful attitude back to where you feel comfortable. Or are you the kind of scum that has nowhere else to go.